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Fantoma aKa DanR

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  1. uite aici un plugin testat de mine #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #pragma semicolon 1 new const PLUGIN[] = "Autoresponder/Advertiser"; new const VERSION[] = "0.5"; new const AUTHOR[] = "MaximusBrood"; #define NORM_AD 0 #define SAY_AD 1 #define COND 0 #define STORE 1 #define COND_TKN '%' #define SAY_TKN '@' #define COND_STKN "%" #define DEVIDE_STKN "~" #define SAY_STKN "@" //-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.DEFINES.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. //Maximum amount of ads #define MAXADS 64 //Minimum difference between two different ads (float) new const Float:RAND_MIN = 60.0; //Maximum difference between two different ads (float) new const Float:RAND_MAX = 80.0; //-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.END DEFINES..-.-.-.-.-.-.-. //Stores new sayConditions[MAXADS][3][32]; new normConditions[MAXADS][3][32]; new normStore[MAXADS][128]; new sayStore[MAXADS][2][128]; new gmsgSayText; //Counters new adCount[2] = {0, 0}; public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR); register_cvar("admanager_version", "0.5", FCVAR_SERVER); register_cvar("ad_react_all", "1"); gmsgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText"); register_clcmd("say","eventSay"); register_clcmd("say_team","eventSay"); //Delay the load proces by 10 sec because we don't want to get more load //on the already high-load mapchange. //Too soon to affect players while playing, too late to create time-out @ mapchange set_task(10.0, "load"); } public load() { //Load the data new filepath[64]; get_configsdir(filepath, 63); format(filepath, 63, "%s/advertisements.ini", filepath); if(file_exists(filepath)) { new output[512], conditions[128], temp[64], type; //Open file new fHandle = fopen(filepath, "rt"); //Checks for failure if(!fHandle) return; //Loop through all lines for(new a = 0; a < MAXADS && !feof(fHandle); a++) { //Get line fgets(fHandle, output, 511); //Work away comments if(output[0] == ';' || !output[0] || output[0] == ' ' || output[0] == 10) { //Line is not counted a--; continue; } //Reset type type = 0; //Check if it contains conditions if(output[0] == COND_TKN) { //Cut the conditions off the string split(output, conditions, 127, output, 511, DEVIDE_STKN); //Determine if its say check or normal ad type = output[0] == SAY_TKN ? 1 : 0; //Put the conditions in own space for(new b = 0; b < 3; b++) { new sort[16], cond[32], numb; //Remove the % from line conditions[0] = ' '; trim(conditions); //Get one condition from the line split(conditions, temp, 64, conditions, 127, COND_STKN); split(temp, sort, 15, cond, 31, " "); if(equali(sort, "map")) { numb = 0; } else if(equali(sort, "min_players")) { numb = 1; } else if(equali(sort, "max_players")) { numb = 2; } else { continue; } //Copy it to its final resting place ^^ setString(COND, type, cond, adCount[type], numb); //Exit if it hasn't got more conditions if(!conditions[0]) break; } } if(type == 0) type = output[0] == SAY_TKN ? 1 : 0; if(type == SAY_AD) { new said[32], answer[128]; //Remove the @ from line output[0] = ' '; trim(output); split(output, said, 31, answer, 127, DEVIDE_STKN); //Apply color setColor(answer, 127); //Save it setString(STORE, SAY_AD, said, adCount[sAY_AD], 0); setString(STORE, SAY_AD, answer, adCount[sAY_AD], 1); } else//if(type == NORM_AD) { //Apply color setColor(output, 511); //Save it setString(STORE, NORM_AD, output, adCount[NORM_AD]); } //Increment the right counter adCount[NORM_AD] += type == NORM_AD ? 1 : 0; adCount[sAY_AD] += type == SAY_AD ? 1 : 0; } //Set a first task, if there are any normal ads if(adCount[NORM_AD] != 0) set_task(random_float(RAND_MIN, RAND_MAX), "eventTask"); //Close file to prevent lockup fclose(fHandle); } } new currAd = -1; public eventTask() { //Go past all ads and check conditions for(new a = 0; a < adCount[NORM_AD]; a++) { //Put current ad to the next one currAd = currAd == adCount[NORM_AD] - 1 ? 0 : currAd + 1; if(checkConditions(currAd, NORM_AD)) { //Display the ad new data[3]; data[0] = currAd; data[1] = NORM_AD; data[2] = 0; displayAd(data); break; } } //Set a new task set_task(random_float(RAND_MIN, RAND_MAX), "eventTask"); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public eventSay(id) { //If nothing is said, don't check if(adCount[sAY_AD] == 0) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; new talk[64], keyword[16]; read_args(talk, 63) ; //En nu rennen voor jullie zakgeld klootzjakken! for(new a = 0; a < adCount[sAY_AD]; a++) { //Get the string getString(STORE, SAY_AD, keyword, 15, a, 0); if(containi(talk, keyword) != -1) { //Check the rest if it fails to conditions if(!checkConditions(a, SAY_AD)) continue; new data[3]; data[0] = a; data[1] = SAY_AD; data[2] = id; //Set the task set_task(0.3, "displayAd", 0, data, 3); //Don't execute more of them break; } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public displayAd(params[]) { //Get the string that is going to be displayed new message[128]; getString(STORE, params[1], message, 127, params[0], params[1]); //If its enabled by cvar and id is set, display to person who triggered message only if(get_cvar_num("ad_react_all") == 0 && params[2] != 0) { message_begin(MSG_ONE, gmsgSayText, {0,0,0}, params[2]); write_byte(params[2]); write_string(message); message_end(); } else { //Display the message to everyone new plist[32], playernum, player; get_players(plist, playernum, "c"); for(new i = 0; i < playernum; i++) { player = plist; message_begin(MSG_ONE, gmsgSayText, {0,0,0}, player); write_byte(player); write_string(message); message_end(); } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // STOCKS //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- stock checkConditions(a, type) { //Mapname if((type == NORM_AD && normConditions[a][0][0]) || (type == SAY_AD && sayConditions[a][0][0])) { new mapname[32]; get_mapname(mapname, 31); if(! (type == NORM_AD && equali(mapname, normConditions[a][0]) ) || (type == SAY_AD && equali(mapname, sayConditions[a][0]) ) ) return false; } //Min Players if((type == NORM_AD && normConditions[a][1][0]) || (type == SAY_AD && sayConditions[a][1][0])) { new playersnum = get_playersnum(); if( (type == NORM_AD && playersnum < str_to_num(normConditions[a][1]) ) || (type == SAY_AD && playersnum < str_to_num(sayConditions[a][1]) ) ) return false; } //Max Players if((type == NORM_AD && normConditions[a][2][0]) || (type == SAY_AD && sayConditions[a][2][0])) { new playersnum = get_playersnum(); if( (type == NORM_AD && playersnum > str_to_num(normConditions[a][2]) ) || (type == SAY_AD && playersnum > str_to_num(sayConditions[a][2]) ) ) return false; } //If everything went fine, return true return true; } stock setColor(string[], len) { if (contain(string, "!t") != -1 || contain(string, "!g") != -1 || contain(string,"!n") != -1) { //Some nice shiny colors ^^ replace_all(string, len, "!t", "^x03"); replace_all(string, len, "!n", "^x01"); replace_all(string, len, "!g", "^x04"); //Work away a stupid bug format(string, len, "^x01%s", string); } } stock getString(mode, type, string[], len, one, two = 0) { //server_print("mode: %d type: %d len: %d one: %d two %d", mode, type, len, one, two); //Uses the fact that a string is passed by reference if(mode == COND) { if(type == NORM_AD) { copy(string, len, normConditions[one][two]); } else//if(type = SAY_AD) { copy(string, len, sayConditions[one][two]); } } else//if(mode == STORE) { if(type == NORM_AD) { copy(string, len, normStore[one]); } else//if(type == SAY_AD) { copy(string, len, sayStore[one][two]); } } } stock setString(mode, type, string[], one, two = 0) { if(mode == COND) { if(type == NORM_AD) { copy(normConditions[one][two], 31, string); } else//if(type = SAY_AD) { copy(sayConditions[one][two], 31, string); } } else//if(mode == STORE) { if(type == NORM_AD) { copy(normStore[one], 127, string); } else//if(type == SAY_AD) { copy(sayStore[one][two], 127, string); } } } si advertisements.ini : ;Syntax: ; !g for green text ; !t for teamcolor text; blue for CT, red for T and white for Spectator ; !n for normal yellow text ; ; Begin your line with an @ to make it a response text ; You can use colors in your reaction ; ; @what to react on~reaction ; ; Conditions: Put each condition between % and devide conditions and the rest with a ~ ; The supported conditions are "map, "min_players" and "max_players" ; ; Some examples are included: ; If there is a cheater in the server, please notify the admin -> !tuse teamspeak, and begin your message with an @ %map cs_assault%~!gNo camping at LAMPS, HIGH BOXES, OR CONTAINERS inside bunker! !nOr and admin might kill you! @cheat~!gIf there is a cheater in the server, please notify the admin -> !tuse teamspeak and begin your message with an @ sper sa te ajute
  2. dai comanda asta amx_cvar csstats_reset 0 .....am avut aceasi problema si asa am rezolvat.... daca nu merge tasteaza amx_statscfgmenu in consola si pune pe on ce vrei de acolo si incearca sa schimbi so modul dupa care se ia rand( ip/nick/steamip) daca nu merge asa... incearca sa schimbi mapa si lasa aici ce iti da in consola de la host...si cand dai rr la sv la fel lasa aici ce iti apare la inceput-(cate o pagina plina ar fi de ajuns)
  3. Fantoma aKa DanR


    ai bun ce ai facut dar nu vad cv mai ok la racire si sursa ai cam mica pt ce ai bagat tu(mai ales daca dai drumu la boost ala de la procesor) parerea mea.. stiu ca am avut eu cv probleme in trecut.. nu aveam o susrsa de putere si nu se acctiva boost de la procesor...
  4. dai rr la cs... ai sters cv sau anti virusu a sters cv ce in mod normal de downloadeaza cand intri prima data pe o mapa/sv ... altcceva nu are ce sa fie.. cand stergi cs vechi sa ai dai uninstall si dupa rr la pc apoi instaleaza sa nu iti ramana aceasi download...
  5. 1 ce are london nu ai pluginu complet si ai a lu unu anak1n ( baiatu asta ar trebui banat ca vinde in comunitate niste chesti care se gasesc free + boost pe 200-300 drop reale la 2 euro )+ pune pluginuri sma si amxx care au cv gen bind/gamemenu ) 2ce tia lasat marvel nu are inregistrate 2-3 chesti si o sa iti intre in conflict cu multe pluginuri ( inclusiv plmenu.amxx) sa nu mai zic de altele 3 eu nu ma bag la alte tipuri de cs decat clasic si nu pot verifica daca merge sau nu asa ca nu iti las nimic... daca ai cv ma contactezi si modificam impreuna pana iasa un plugin ok
  6. strege addonsu si baga din nou tot pe rand si verifica in consola de la host daca merge sau nu...dupa incearca ce vrei tu sa faci si baga alt plugin si tot asa.. posibil sa intre 1-99 pluginuri in conflict... si nu recomand auto demo recorder pt ca o sa iti dee o gramada de playeri drop ( cei ce nu au memorie in c multa) ... ps incearca sa iti faci in plugins.ini pe categori nu baga pluginurile asa cum le prinzi
  7. daca ai dat run pe cv ai luat trucker.ui si phoenix din platforma... nu ai grav iti modifica fisiere in cs ... te poate forta sa intri pe un anumit sv cand dai join ramdom si de pe net... nu prea merge de obicei dar.. intra in task manager si cauta tot ce ai cu .ui si phoenix trebe sa fie vro 2 chestii... si recomandarea mea ai dupa ce le stergi sa iti schimbi masteru din steam cu unu default ... vezi pe forum steam unu
  8. Server :hack.rangfort.ro Nick :Fantoma Grad server : Founder La ce doriţi ajutor? : nu inteleg dc daca se schimba mapa ( inafara de de_dust2 si de_inferno) playeri nu pot intra ... li se incarca resursele pana la jumate si se blockeaza dupa.... am pus link de download de la krond si tot la fel .... Poză cu problema (Nu este obligatoriu) : server.cfg // ==================================================== // Krond Solutions SRL // ==================================================== // This file was generated for Counter-Strike // ==================================================== // The server hostname hostname "HACK.RANGFORT.RO-[FREE4ALL]-" // Remote control password (RCON) rcon_password "" // The max ammount of time (in minutes) a map is played mp_timelimit "35" // The ammount of money a player receives on first round mp_startmoney "1000" // How many seconds the players wait within freezetime ? mp_freezetime "3" // Round time limit (in minutes) mp_roundtime "2" // Disable friendlyfire mp_friendlyfire "0" // Auto ballance teams mp_autoteambalance "1" // ---------------------------------------------------- // Fast resources download setting, generate your proper code ! // ---------------------------------------------------- sv_downloadurl "http://svdld.krond.org/port_122/gsp_1645/" sv_allowdownload "1" sv_allowupload "1" // ---------------------------------------------------- // Is recommended to NOT touch any settings bellow this line // ---------------------------------------------------- sv_cheats "0" sv_aim "0" pausable "0" sv_maxspeed "500" sv_lan "0" sv_minrate "15000" sv_maxrate "25000" sv_maxupdaterate "50" sv_minupdaterate "20" sv_region "3" sv_proxies "0" mp_autokick "0" mp_spawnprotectiontime "0" max_queries_sec_global "0" max_queries_sec "0" sv_enableoldqueries "1" sv_timeout "60" plugins.ini ; AMX Mod X plugins ; Admin Base - Always one has to be activated admin.amxx ; admin base (required for any admin-related) ;admin_sql.amxx ; admin base - SQL version (comment admin.amxx) ; Basic admincmd.amxx ; basic admin console commands adminhelp.amxx ; help command for admin console commands adminslots.amxx ; slot reservation multilingual.amxx ; Multi-Lingual management ; Menus menufront.amxx ; front-end for admin menus cmdmenu.amxx ; command menu (speech, settings) plmenu.amxx ; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.) ;telemenu.amxx ; teleport menu (Fun Module required!) mapsmenu.amxx ; maps menu (vote, changelevel) pluginmenu.amxx ; Menus for commands/cvars organized by plugin ; Chat / Messages adminchat.amxx ; console chat commands antiflood.amxx ; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server scrollmsg.amxx ; displays a scrolling message imessage.amxx ; displays information messages adminvote.amxx ; vote commands ; Map related nextmap.amxx ; displays next map in mapcycle mapchooser.amxx ; allows to vote for next map timeleft.amxx ; displays time left on map ; Configuration pausecfg.amxx ; allows to pause and unpause some plugins statscfg.amxx ; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands ; Counter-Strike restmenu.amxx ; restrict weapons menu statsx.amxx ; stats on death or round end (CSX Module required!) ;miscstats.amxx ; bunch of events announcement for Counter-Strike ;stats_logging.amxx ; weapons stats logging (CSX Module required!) ; Enable to use AMX Mod plugins ;amxmod_compat.amxx ; AMX Mod backwards compatibility layer ; Custom - Add 3rd party plugins here hack_gag.amxx luciaHallucination.amxx last_maps.amxx multijump.amxx Krond-Functions.amxx QuakeSounds.amxx reset_score_3.amxx semiclip.amxx ss_taker.amxx pingfaker.amxx VIP.amxx fakefull_original.amxx bonusbombkill.amxx c4_hudtimer.amxx health_kill.amxx abd.amxx admin_chat_colors.amxx amx_who.amxx ptb_ro.amxx amx_parachute.amxx ad_manager.amxx auto_join_on_connect.amxx amx_pika.amxx ; Pika Destroyer no_team_flash.amxx extreame_blind.amxx addon si dpotro luat din game panel de la host ( de la krond) si nu imi apare nici o erroare in consola ps : am rezolvat problema de download dar acuma imi da Krop overflowed Krop has left the game Manu connected Manu overflowed Manu has left the game Type 'amx_langmenu' in the console to display a menu where you can choose your language Wrather .i.(>.<).i. overflowed Wrather .i.(>.<).i. has left the game *DEAD* V.O.L.V.O {$MAN} : ba dc ma scos? Reliable channel overflowed si culmea ca da numa la sv full (
  9. Nume canal:Hack.Rangfort.ro Deținător canal:Fantoma Aka DanR , Anonim , Aware
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